# DeepL翻訳
Explanation (thread continues below): As I said yesterday, I reached out to his former business, and asked if they could get me in touch with him. I received a very brief reply saying, "Sorry to inform he passed away." I immediately wrote back, asking if they could share details. https://t.co/lXvV8xrlgs
— Hanshin Tigers English News (H-TEN) (@thehanshintiger) November 19, 2020
I jumped the gun and reported it, without confirming elsewhere, which was my mistake. Today, the new owner of the amusement park replied to my email, saying, "Oh no, you thought I meant he was dead? I meant he moved on after selling the park. Sorry, lost in translation I guess."
— Hanshin Tigers English News (H-TEN) (@thehanshintiger) November 19, 2020
The fact is, though, the person on the other end used an expression incorrectly, and I should have waited for confirmation from him (or another source) before posting what I did.
— Hanshin Tigers English News (H-TEN) (@thehanshintiger) November 19, 2020
I'm really sorry to Mr. Greenwell as well as Red Sox, Hanshin and baseball fans worldwide.
The fact is, though, the person on the other end used an expression incorrectly, and I should have waited for confirmation from him (or another source) before posting what I did.
— Hanshin Tigers English News (H-TEN) (@thehanshintiger) November 19, 2020
I'm really sorry to Mr. Greenwell as well as Red Sox, Hanshin and baseball fans worldwide.
誤報でした、申し訳ございませんでした m(_ _)m